Articles on: How to Add

How to add an Estimation

How to add an Estimation

Click on the name of a task type.

Task type

The new page is the Supervisor view. You have more detailed information specific to this specific task type.

Supervisor page

To add an estimation to a task, click on the line, and type the number of days you estimate. You can select multiple assets or shots at the same time.

You can also define a Start date by clicking on it. A calendar will open and let you choose your start date.

The Due date is automatically calculated with the Estimation.

start date

To go further in detail with the Supervisor view :

(1) You can see and change the status of a task
(2) You can assign people to tasks
(1) and (2) are filled with the action menu.

(3) You can add an estimation for the task (in day unit)
(4) Kitsu calculates the sum of the timesheet fed by the artists
(5) The number of back and forths with the retake status
(6) You can add a start date for the task (with the calendar)
(7) Kitsu calculates the due date with the Start Date and the estimation
(8)(9) the Wip and Feedback dates are automatically filled
(10) the Last comment section help you to keep an eye on the last activity of this task type.
(7) to (10) is automatically filled.

To help you to set a correct estimation, you can use the Estimation Tab.

Estimation tab

The left part of the screen lists the shots with the assignation and the number of frames (1). Depending on the FPS you have set for the production, the number of Seconds will be automatically calculated (2).

On the right part of the screen, you can see the full team of the department (depending on the assignments you made), the number of shots they have to do, the number of frames, seconds, and the average quota.

And the last column is the Estimation, to modify the estimation, hoover the line with your mouse and click the editing zone.

You can also select multiple shots simultaneously to edit them all the once.

Estimation tab edit

Every time you change the Estimation (in a number of days) on the right part, you can see in real-time that the Average Quota is updated.

Updated on: 12/08/2022

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